Robert Munoz’ Testimony

God is working in my life on many different levels. First He is teaching me patience. James 1:3 teaches us that your faith produces patience. He is teaching me to stay put where I am as in Psalms 46:10 which tells us to “Be still and know that I am the LORD.”  I am wondering where I am going to go after my sixty days and what direction I am going to take in the next chapter of my life. I know that it has to be of the LORD or my life will just be upside-down within a month. So I am trying to be prayerful of my next move because my decisions don’t just affect me but also those around me. SO I am trying to just stick it out these last two weeks and see what my options are and where the Lord is moving me. As I said I want to be Spirit-led and not just do things from emotions. I am too far in my walk to just make a quick decision for my life. When I was a child I thought as a child but when I became a man I put my childish behavior behind me. So now all my actions and thoughts have to be that of a man of God and not of a childish kid. Growing up I had the excuse of being a child because I was a child and from an early age my childhood was missed. But let’s back up and growing up, I grew up in a good home. Dad was gone most of the time due to life in prison when I was 13. But He did teach me how to play baseball and show me the things a Dad shows a son. I played Baseball most of my childhood but when I was 12, I turned to gang life because that was what was around me. My house or home was the place where everyone hung around so it wasn’t so much as a choice but just something I was raised into. And when I looked around for guidance, it was the homeboys I looked to. It wasn’t bad and it wasn’t good—they were just my family that I grew up in. It wasn’t long until I started using alcohol and drugs and living s life of crime. Then at the age of 15 ½ I was off to the YA to start my first 2 years of 12 ½ years I would spend behind bars. I won’t go into that part of my life because it is a part of my life I don’t glamorize but the one thing I will boast in is that on my last year I was so tired of that life that I came to my senses and cried out to the Father and accepted my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. When I was releases I did live a life worthy to call a Christian life for eight years and I wish my story ended there, but that just started a new chapter in my life that I am still playing out here at Set Free.

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