Testimony–Shana Williamson

My name is Shana Williamson and I came all the way to Phelan, CA from Idaho Falls, Id to the Set Free Women’s Ranch to get closer to God. I grew up with no concept of God because my mom grew up in a LDS family and walked away from that religion. I saw my first Bible in 2008 in prison and in 2009 I was saved. I was walking with the Lord until a good friend betrayed me and I was off and running again. I hadn’t realized how much unforgiveness and hatred I was clinging to until I got here. Most was against my mom for her allowing the abuse to happen. Then against myself for using while pregnant with my daughter who ended up with her having a son addicted to heroin and opiates. How dark it is before the dawn. I was on the road to suicide when I finally got on my knees and prayed. Mrs. A was the first person to answer after an hour and a half of calling. She met my two requirements: faith based and free, so I booked my plane and bus ticket. After being here for two weeks the Lord spoke to me. He said “But if you do not forgive, then neither will your Father in heaven forgive your trespasses” (MK 11:26) I wrote my mom a letter forgiving her and I forgave myself (with God’s power). I’m in awe of how that one sin had me cut off from the Holy Spirit. He’s continued to work on me every day. Another revelation he showed me through the birds. I was wishing I was a bird because they don’t worry about anything, and again God said “Do not fear, therefore you are of more value than many sparrows. (Matt 10:31) I know God will give me a new name and make me great because of His promises. His credit is good with me.

–Shana Williamson

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