Randy Cole’s Testimony

From the time I was born I was a sinner. I was born in Chicago, Illinois on April 5, 1985. I was raised in a suburb outside of Chicago in Lyons, Illinois. I was what you called a problem child. I would never listen to a word my parents used to tell me. At the age of twelve is when I started my life of drug use. I first started off with Marijuana. I remember that feeling of all my pain and hurt disappearing. I thought I finally found something that made me happy. At the age of thirteen I took my first sniff of cocaine. I loved it. It gave me energy and it numbed my body. I was hooked. I started hanging out with the wrong crowd, started ditching High School to go use and thought I was the Cool Kid because of my actions. Until that day I was walking down the street with my friend and then I see this shiny white car with lights on top of it coming my way. I was arrested for truancy. My own Mom called them on me. I sat in the police station wondering what I was going to do. I had to come clean the police station on weekends. Then as I started getting older I started getting worse. At the age of seventeen my parents, brothers and sisters and I packed up our things and moved out here to the sunny state of California. We moved to the city of Chino Hills. I attended Ayala High School. I remember thinking-where am I? I was still causing problems at school, still doing drugs, and now I found myself drinking also. At this point in my life my parents were getting fed up with me and I didn’t care who I was hurting or what I was doing. Finally the school got fed up with me too and I was kicked out. It was around that time that I met the mother of my children. We were off and on for about a year before we got serious. During this time is when things started to get worse for me. I met the wonderful drug methamphetamine. At the age of 17 is when I first stuck a needle in my arm and I loved it. It was like no other high I ever experienced. It made me feel like I was on top of the world. Soon after that my parents found out and quickly put a stop to that and I still didn’t care about anything. I quit using Meth but only to replace that with Cocaine. I had an awesome job and was making a lot of money at the ages of 18 and 19. I was spending around 600 or 700 dollars every two days living what I thought was a dream. I was eighteen and making a lot of money and partying with my friends. Then I hit a brick wall who I thought was my best friend. Dealer was driving home one night, rolled his car and got a piece of rebar pushed through his school dead. He was on his way to pick me up. I feel like if I would have never called him he might still be alive today. That opened my eyes to a whole new world. I quit everything for only a short period of time. Then in the middle of 2015 I was told I was going to have a baby/ I quit everything. I got my first job as a parts delivery driver for the local auto parts store. I was ecstatic and happy. Then on my first day of work my parents show up at my job and tell me that I have to leave work, my girlfriend is on the hospital and they didn’t know what was going on. So here I am on the first day of work and I leave to go to the hospital. Keep in mind I am about to have my first son. I got to the hospital and everyone clears he room. I start talking to my girlfriend and ask her what is wrong. She tells me she hasn’t felt the baby kick all night. She told me that they did an ultrasound and checked for a heartbeat and that my son had passed away. At that point in my life it broke me and I turned to the sky and asked God: “Why would you do this to me?” I was mad at Him. I couldn’t understand why it was that this had to happen to me. I lost all faith. So on July 25th, 2005 my son Chad was put to rest. I held him for about thirty seconds. I talked to him and he was carted away. I was the only one that got to hold him. I kissed him and told him he’s with the angels now. Never did I think I was going to bury my first born son before me. It crushed me. O totally turned my back on God. Then about a year and some change, I was blessed with a beautiful baby boy, Chase. Soon after that me and my girlfriend split up and that is when I started using Meth. I moved to Barstow (California) and found the pipe. I was stealing, pulling shady moves and didn’t care. I got in trouble and was sentenced to eight years in the state penitentiary. I was scared. I went in and started making a name for myself, joined prison gang and caught two years more. Then, in the middle of my sentence, I got a phone call and found out that the mother of my children had passed away at the age of twenty-seven. I got out of prison November 5th, 2018. I thought I was cured of my addiction. I wasn’t. Then on August 27th, 2019 is when I was first introduced to the Bible. Was I saved yet? No I don’t think so. I would re4ad my Word but I didn’t take head to the instructions God was giving me. Then May 24th, 2020 is when I was actually saved. I checked into God’s Ranch in Phelan California. When I found Christ it felt like I was at peace. All the weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. I was finally happy with myself. I was able to love myself now. Since I was saved, God has been working transforming my life. I can finally say I am going to heaven now. God performs so many miracles in my life. He answers all of my prayers. I know that if I put my sword down and stop praying and stop doing God’s will I am going to fall back into my muck and mire. I can see the light now. God has given me a second chance at life now.  “God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. 9Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it.”( Ep 2:8-9 NLT).  God has shown me so much mercy and grace. I am blessed. I thank God everyday for what He has done.

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