The Word of God tells us in Revelation 12:11:
“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.”
As believers in Christ our Testimony is one of the most powerful thing we can share with others. Even though many of us may have at some points in life encountered similar circumstances or issues in our life, your testimony is unique to you…no two are exactly alike. By sharing our testimonies, we remind ourselves and share with others about God’s power working in our life…healing us, molding us, and changing us so that we mature in Christ. When we share our testimonies we edify the body of Christ.
The Testimonies in this section are from men and women who are either enrolled or have graduated our Phase-I Set Free Christian Discipleship Ranches. We are confident that these testimonies will encourage you in the Lord Today.
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Set Free Church
PO BOX 291265
Phelan, CA 92329
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“Set Free Church”
Jesus Loves You and God Bless You!